Author Checklist

Manuscript Submission Requirements Checklist 

To facilitate the preparation of manuscripts to be submitted to Energy Materials Today and to better comply with the journal’s editorial policies, please refer to this Author Checklist.

Scope Of The Journal

Energy Materials Today is an interdisciplinary forum to communicate on the latest advances in the field of energy, materials, photonics, semiconductors, and so on, all the way from basic research to applied research and technology. Embracing the transversality of these designated fields, it connects scientists and technologists from a broad scientific spectrum, at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. It also aims at bridging the gap between the academic and industrial worlds. The aim goal of Energy Materials Today is to publish, through both Letters and full Articles, original and timely research which addresses important questions in the field of photonics. Novelty, high technical quality, significance, potential impact, and readability are among the main criteria considered for acceptance. Energy Materials Today also offers the community inspiring views from leading experts on cutting-edge research in two additional publication types: comprehensive Reviews that give an objective overview of the topic to date and Perspectives that are shorter, more opiniated and forward looking.

Areas targeted by the journal include the following:

  • materials science, nanotechnology,
  •  liquid crystals, semiconductors, superconductors,
  • optics, lasers, sensors, porous materials, light emitting materials, 
  • ceramics, biological materials, magnetic materials, thin films, 
  • colloids, energy materials, photovoltaics, solar cells, biomaterials, photonics, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, metamaterials,
  • drug delivery, cancer therapy, 
  • tissue engineering, imaging, self-assembly, hierarchical materials, batteries, supercapacitors, thermoelectrics, 
  • polymers, nanomaterials, nanocomposites,
  • 2D materials and phase change materials nanotubes, nanowires, nanoparticles, carbon, diamond, fullerenes. 
  • Solar energy, wind energy, Wave energy, Geothermal energy, Hydroelectricity
  • Energy harvesting devices, Nuclear power, Fuel cells, Hydrogen energy
  • Transportation fuels, Bioenergy and biofuels, Batteries, Supercapacitors
  • Electrocatalysis and photocatalysis, Carbon capture and storage 

Manuscript Types

Energy Materials Today publishes original Articles, Letters, Perspectives, and Reviews that highlight recent developments and that further the understanding of the designated fields.


Articles are concise, yet comprehensive peer-reviewed reports of original research constituting an advance of broad and lasting impact. Articles are not intended to be follow-up manuscripts, unless they contain new and extensive information that will advance the understanding of the system. Articles contain an unreferenced abstract of fewer than 250 words which does not contain specialized abbreviations or acronyms. A referenced introduction should expand on the background of the work. Articles can include up to 10 display items (figures/tables/schemes) and ~50 references. Supporting Information may be included. Articles include a graphical Table of Contents (TOC) entry and a list of up to six keywords.


Letters are brief, peer-reviewed reports of original research focused on break-through research findings of immediate impact, requiring urgent publication. Letters begin with an unreferenced abstract of fewer than 150 words that does not contain abbreviations or acronyms unless essential. They may include unheaded sections for the Introduction and combined Results and Discussion and a headed section for Methods that can also contain subsections. Letters should contain no more than four display items (figures/tables/schemes) and ~30 references. Letters should include sufficient experimental detail to allow others to reproduce the findings presented. Supporting Information is encouraged. Letters are generally submitted by invitation only, but suggestions may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief. Letters should be approximately 3,000 words or less in length. Letters include a graphical TOC entry and a list of up to six keywords.


Perspectives are brief, forward-looking, focused, and mildly-opinionated pieces. They are intended to discuss a specific topic in photonics of high importance and interest to the broader photonics community, with the primary aim to inspire and help direct future research efforts. Perspectives can, for instance, elaborate on important unanswered questions or clarify specific concepts. They are peer-reviewed and are generally submitted by invitation only, but suggestions may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief.  Perspectives begin with an unreferenced abstract of fewer than 150 words that does not contain abbreviations or acronyms unless essential and should be in the range of ∼3,000 – 5,000 words. Perspectives include a graphical TOC entry and a list of up to six keywords.


Reviews are peer-reviewed reports which capture the current status of timely and compelling topics in photonics. A good review critically evaluates existing work, provides a logical organization, and makes the material more easily available to those not expert in the area through clear text and figures. They start with an unreferenced abstract of 250 words or fewer. Reviews should contain ~100 references, and the use of graphics to illustrate key concepts is strongly encouraged. Authors may choose to divide the review into sections preceded by headings. Reviews should be in the range of ~8,000 to 12,000 words. Reviews include a graphical TOC entry and a list of up to six keywords.

Manuscript Preparation

Submit with Fast Format

Energy Materials Today has simplified their formatting requirements in favor of a streamlined and standardized format for an initial manuscript submission. 

Cover Letter Preparation

A cover letter must accompany every manuscript submission. During the submission process, you may type it or paste it into the submission system, or you may attach it as a file..

Manuscript Text Components 

Title, Author List, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Experimental Section or Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and References..

Supporting Information

This information is provided to the reviewers during the peer-review process (for Review Only) and is available to readers of the published work (for Publication). Supporting Information must be submitted at the same time as the manuscript..