Author Guidelines

Before submitting your manuscript, please check your submission for the following:

  • All co-authors listed with full names and correct e-mail addresses provided.
  • Names of preferred reviewers specified.


  • Uncommon acronyms, abbreviations, jargon, or words like “First”, “Novel”, “Facile” are avoided. 


  • Abstract should adhere to length of 150-250 words.
  • Reference citations should be avoided.
  • Abbreviations and acronyms are used sparingly, and are defined upon first usage.
  • Up to six keywords are listed following the abstract.

Table of Contents Graphic

  • A “Table of Contents” (TOC) graphic provided after the Abstract under the header “TOC Graphic”.
  • Provide an illustration that best describes your overall work rather than copying and pasting a figure from the
    manuscript. TOC graphics should be ~8 cm (~3.5 in) in width and ~4 cm (~1.5 in) height, and must be ~300
    dpi in resolution and in RGB color mode.


  • References are individually numbered with only one citation per reference.
  • The use of excessive self-citations is avoided.
  • References adhere to correct journal style: include article titles in title case, journal abbreviation according
    to CASSI, proper punctuation and arrangement, and full page ranges.

Graphics and Tables

  • Figures and tables have captions. Figure insets, if any, are described in the caption.
  • Graphs include axes titles clearly identifying the variable and unit.
  • Tables and schemes have titles and may contain footnotes.
  • Figures and tables are submitted at final published size.
  • Lettering and scale bar dimensions are legible. 

Supporting Information

  • Supporting Information (SI) for Publication and SI for Review Only, if any, are uploaded as separate files
    and not placed directly in the manuscript.
  • SI for Publication is described in a separate paragraph in the manuscript, placed immediately after Acknowledgments.