Prof. Huang Wei

Prof. Huang Wei


Prof. HUANG Wei was born in Hebei province of China in May 1965. He is the Academician of Chinese Academy of Science, and Asia Pacific Academy of Materials Science, the Foreign Academician  of USA National Academy of Engineering, Russian Academy of Science, ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology, Pakistani Academy of Sciences, the fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, and is also the leading scientist in organic electronics and flexible electronics. He received the honorary doctorate from the University of Sheffield, and has been awarded by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the Chief Scientist of National 973 Program, the Second Class Prize of the National Natural Science Award, and the Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Innovation Award.

All sessions by Prof. Huang Wei

Plenary Lecturer

18 Aug 2023
Auditorium 2F