Prof. Lars Samuelson

Prof. Lars Samuelson


Prof. Lars Samuelson is currently Co-Director of Institute of Advanced Displays, Henan Academy of Sciences, a chair professor at Southern University of Science and Technology and the Director of the Institute of Nanoscience and Applications. The institute aims to promote international academic exchanges and cooperation, especially with Sweden.

Professor Lars Samuelson is one of the outstanding scientists in the field of semiconductor nanomaterials, especially the growth of nanowires. It creatively proposes a combination of “top-down” and “bottom-up” epitaxial growth, and through this method controls the growth of perfectly ordered nanowire arrays. It has laid a foundation for the study of basic optics and the physical mechanism of carrier transport and promoted the development of nanomaterials application fields such as nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, solar cells, and solid-state lighting.

Professor Lars Samuelson has published more than 700 journal papers (H-Index is 86, and Web-of-Science is highly cited in the top 1%), and has been invited to international conferences and seminars and delivered more than 300 times. Professor Lars Samuelson is the founder of NanoLund, an interdisciplinary research center. He is currently an academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2006) and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (2007). Academic organizations, including: Fellows of the British Physical Society (FInstP) (2004), American Physical Society (APS, Materials Physics) (2009), Japan Applied Physics Society (JSAP) (2020). In 2008, he was awarded the “Einstein Professor” by the Chinese Academy of Sciences; in 2013, he was awarded the three-year (2010-2013) IUVSTA Science Award; in 2014, he was awarded the Fred Kavli Distinguished Lecturer (Fred Kavli Distinguished Lecturer). Kavli Distinguished Lectureship); in 2018, won the Wilhelm Westrup Prize for Basic Materials Science. Some of the research results of Professor Lars Samuelson have been greatly applied and influenced in the industry. He is the founder and chief scientist of four nanowire and nanomaterial start-up companies (QuNano AB, GLO AB, Sol Voltaics AB and Hexagem AB).

All sessions by Prof. Lars Samuelson

Plenary Lecturer

19 Aug 2023
9:00 - 9:40
Auditorium 2F