Prof. Liu Baiquan

Prof. Liu Baiquan


Liu Baiquan, Associate Professor of the “Hundred Talents Program” at Sun Yat sen University, is a high-level talent (young top) in Guangdong Province and a core member of a major team in Guangdong Province.

(1) Published 70 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author (2 in Cell sub journal, in addition to 15 with impact factors greater than 15), including 36 papers in the past five years (2 in Cell sub journal, in addition to 7 with impact factors greater than 15), including Cell Reports Physical Science (2), Advanced Materials (1), ACS Nano (2), ACS Energy Letters (1), Science Bulletin (2), Light: Science&Applications (1), Nano Micro Letters (2), Nano Energy (2) Advanced Functional Materials (2), Nano Letters (1), IEEE Electron Device Letters (1), and other journals. A paper was featured as a research highlight by Nature Photonics; A paper was selected as a cover article by Advanced Materials; A paper was published as an illustration at the beginning of the Advanced Functional Materials volume; An article was selected as an editor by IEEE Electron Device Letters. Two one work papers were selected for high citation by ESI, and 37 patents were applied. They were also co edited with one Chinese and one English monograph (published by Science Press in Chinese) and three English monographs. (2) Received numerous awards such as the 10th China Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award. (3) Led 7 projects and was selected as a major talent project in Guangdong Province. (4) Served as the deputy editor in chief of SCI Journal Heliyon (JCR Zone 2), deputy editor in chief of SCI Journal Frontiers in Chemistry (JCR Zone 2), editorial board member of SCI Journal Electronics, editor of SCI Journal Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, and member of SID China Technical Committee. (5) The guided students have won the third prize in the 12th “Huagang Cup” Guangdong University Student Material Innovation Competition, the runner up in the third TCL Huaxing Optoelectronics Research VLOG Competition, two conference oral report awards, and four conference wall newspaper awards. They have also received offers from companies such as Huaxing Optoelectronics Special Offer, Huawei, and BYD.

All sessions by Prof. Liu Baiquan


05 Dec 2024
14:30 - 18:00