Prof. Sun Xiaowei

Prof. Sun Xiaowei


Prof. Xiao Wei Sun, an honorary doctorate from the Belarusian State University of Information and Radio, a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, an academician of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials Sciences, currently the executive dean and chair professor of the Institute of Nanoscience and Applications of Southern University of Science and Technology, a nationally appointed expert, and the founder of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Department Head, Director of the SUSTech-Huawei Photonics Industry Innovation Joint Laboratory, Chairman of the Guangdong Micro-LED Microdisplay Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, Chairman of the International Society for Energy Photonics, Vice Chairman of the Singapore-China Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology President. He has served as full professor and director of the Microelectronics Center at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA), the Society of International Optical Engineers (SPIE), the Society for International Information Display (SID), the British Institute of Physics (loP), and a distinguished speaker of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is the first scholar from mainland China to become a fellow of the International Society for Information Display (SID Fellow). He has won honorary awards such as the Slottow-Owaki Award, the first prize of the National Invention and Entrepreneurship Award for Innovation, and the second prize of the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award for Natural Science. He is an Elsevier Mainland Highly Cited Scholar and one of the top 2% scientists in the world at Stanford. Currently, he mainly studies semiconductor nanocrystal high-quality displays, 3D three-dimensional displays, and wide-bandgap semiconductors. He has published more than 700 articles in academic journals, with more than 39,000 citations, an H-index of 98, and Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholar.

All sessions by Prof. Sun Xiaowei

Opening Ceremony

05 Dec 2024
09:00 - 09:10