Prof. Zhang Zihui

Prof. Zhang Zihui


Zhang Zihui graduated from Shandong University in 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in science. He graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a doctorate in 2015. He serves as a distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor of the Hundred Talents Program of Guangdong University of Technology. He is a provincial distinguished expert, a provincial special allowance expert, Provincial Youth Top Talents, Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund Winners, and Municipal Management Top Talents. Mainly researches on wide bandgap semiconductor devices, semiconductor device physics, chip design and simulation technology and industrial promotion; has published more than 150 scientific research papers in authoritative SCI journals in the fields of Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Electron Devices, Optics Express, Optics Letters, etc. Among them, he has published more than 120 articles as the first author/corresponding author; participated in the publication of 5 academic monographs; has been authorized a total of 40 US patents and Chinese national patents, and has completed the transformation of 5 results; and has hosted 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects (including 1 key project), participated in hosting 2 key R&D plans of the Ministry of Science and Technology, more than 20 provincial and ministerial level and various talent projects, and enterprise horizontal projects. He has given more than 30 invited lectures at domestic and foreign academic conferences such as SSL China, National MOCVD Academic Conference, National Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Academic Conference, and International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors. Young editorial board member of Journal of Luminescence, member and director of the Technical Committee of the National Engineering Laboratory for Flat Display Glass Technology and Equipment of Tunghsu Group, member of the Semiconductor Light Source Special Committee of the China Electrotechnical Society, and member of the China Institute of Electronics.