About SEP

Society for Energy Photonics (SEP) was registered in Singapore in 2015, initiated by Prof. Sun Xiao Wei and other professionals in academics. The aim of the society is to provide a platform for researchers from both the academic and industry around the world to share their latest research, new technology, and creative ideas on photonics, materials, and energy. More importantly, SEP is trying to bridge the gap between academic research and applications and exploring the solutions to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Society for Energy Photonics,中文名称:国际能源光子学会,简称:SEP,成立于2015年,是由时任新加坡南洋理工大学终身正教授、新加坡卓越半导体照明与显示中心副主任、俄罗斯工程院外籍院士、亚太材料科学院院士的孙小卫教授联合能源、材料与光电子领域的科研工作者联合发起成立,并经新加坡政府核准登记的国际非营利性学术组织。学会旨在为来自世界各地的学术界与工业界从事能源、材料、光电等领域的学者、专家、研究人员分享前沿科学研究、最新技术进展、创新型技术提供一个交流思想和形成合作的平台,共同应对能源危机,应对全球变暖和气候变化。更重要的是,学会正在努力弥合学术研究和技术应用之间的鸿沟,推动科学研究技术的应用,同时探索新新技术、促进全球早日实现碳达峰、碳中和。

Every year SEP held several important conferences, including International Conference on Energy, Materials, and Photonics (EMP), International Symposium on Optoelectronics and Energy Materials, National Conference on Advanced Materials and Optoelectronics. The first EMP (EMP15) was held in Tianjin China, followed by EMP 16 in Troyes France, EMP 17 in Shenzhen China, EMP 18 in Montreal Canada, EMP 19 in Shanghai China, EMP 20 in Yangon, Myanmar, and EMP 21 in Kunming China, EMP 22 in Tianjin China, EMP 23 in Singapore.


The honorary chairman of the SEP is Professor Lars Samuelson, a foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. The chairmen are Professor Ye Si Yu, an Academician of the National Academy of Engineering of Canada, and Professor Sun Xiao Wei, an Foreign academician of Russian Academy of Engineering, an Academician of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials. The Society has set up an academic committee and a young academic committee. More than 50 professionals serve as members of the committee. Here, SEP sincerely invites researchers, professors, scholars, and students in SEP designated fields to join to jointly promote the development of the global energy, materials, and optoelectronics fields.

目前,学会的名誉主席为中国科学院外籍院士、瑞典皇家科学院院士、瑞典皇家工程科学院院士—Lars Samuelson教授,学会主席为:加拿大国家工程院院士-叶思宇教授,俄罗斯工程院外籍院士、亚太材料学院院士-孙小卫教授。学会下设专家委员会与青年专家委员会,目前拥有超过50多位国际学者担任专家委员会成员。在此,学会诚挚邀请国内外广大科研工作者、教授、学者、学生加入国际能源光子学会,共同推动全球能源、材料与光电子领域的发展。