Prof. Lars Samuelson

Prof. Lars Samuelson


Prof. Lars Samuelson is currently a chair professor at Southern University of Science and Technology and the Director of the Institute of Nanoscience and Applications. The institute aims to promote international academic exchanges and cooperation, especially with Sweden.

Professor Lars Samuelson is one of the outstanding scientists in the field of semiconductor nanomaterials, especially the growth of nanowires. It creatively proposes a combination of “top-down” and “bottom-up” epitaxial growth, and through this method controls the growth of perfectly ordered nanowire arrays. It has laid a foundation for the study of basic optics and the physical mechanism of carrier transport and promoted the development of nanomaterials application fields such as nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, solar cells, and solid-state lighting.

Professor Lars Samuelson has published more than 700 journal papers (H-Index is 86, and Web-of-Science is highly cited in the top 1%), and has been invited to international conferences and seminars and delivered more than 300 times. Professor Lars Samuelson is the founder of NanoLund, an interdisciplinary research center. He is currently an academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2006) and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (2007). Academic organizations, including: Fellows of the British Physical Society (FInstP) (2004), American Physical Society (APS, Materials Physics) (2009), Japan Applied Physics Society (JSAP) (2020). In 2008, he was awarded the “Einstein Professor” by the Chinese Academy of Sciences; in 2013, he was awarded the three-year (2010-2013) IUVSTA Science Award; in 2014, he was awarded the Fred Kavli Distinguished Lecturer (Fred Kavli Distinguished Lecturer). Kavli Distinguished Lectureship); in 2018, won the Wilhelm Westrup Prize for Basic Materials Science. Some of the research results of Professor Lars Samuelson have been greatly applied and influenced in the industry. He is the founder and chief scientist of four nanowire and nanomaterial start-up companies (QuNano AB, GLO AB, Sol Voltaics AB and Hexagem AB).

Lars Samuelson教授现为南方科技大学讲席教授,纳米技术及应用研究院(Institute of Nanoscience and Applications)院长。该研究院旨在促进国际间,特别是与瑞典的学术交流合作。

Lars Samuelson教授是半导体纳米材料领域,尤其是纳米线生长领域卓越的科学家之一。其创造性的提出“自上而下”(top-down)与“自下而上”(bottom-up)相结合的外延生长法,并通过这种方法调控生长出完美有序的纳米线阵列,为基础光学及载流子输运物理机制的研究奠定了基础,助推纳米电子学、纳米光子学、太阳能电池、固态照明等纳米材料应用领域发展。

Lars Samuelson教授发表期刊论文共计700余篇(H-Index为86,Web-of-Science高被引排名前1%),受邀国际会议、研讨会并发言300余次。Lars Samuelson教授是跨学科研究中心NanoLund创始人,现为瑞典皇家科学院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences )院士(2006)、瑞典皇家工程科学院(Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences)院士(2007);是多个国际学术组织,包括:英国物理学会(FInstP)(2004)、美国物理学会(APS, Materials Physics)(2009)、日本应用物理学会(JSAP)(2020)会士。2008年被中国科学院授予“爱因斯坦讲席教授”(Einstein Professor);2013年,荣获三年期 (2010-2013)IUVSTA科学奖;2014年,荣获弗雷德·卡夫利杰出讲师(Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship)称号;2018年,荣获威廉·韦斯特鲁普(Wilhelm Westrup Prize)基础材料科学奖。Lars Samuelson教授部分研究成果已在产业界得到巨大应用和影响,是四家纳米线与纳米材料初创公司(QuNano AB, GLO AB, Sol Voltaics AB and Hexagem AB)的创始人及首席科学家。